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Training in Natural Magic

We walk the wheel of the year by the hand of Goddess Hékate and in each phase of the wheel we know and work with her secret names or archetypes, the master plants of the stregería tradition, the guardian animals and we elaborate magical tools that allow us to maintain the contact of mind, body and spirit.

Strophalos I

We walk the wheel of the year by the hand of Goddess Hékate and in each phase of the wheel we know and work with her secret names or archetypes, the master plants of the stregería tradition, the guardian animals and we elaborate magical tools that allow us to maintain the contact of mind, body and spirit.

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Strophalos I

We walk the wheel of the year by the hand of Goddess Hékate and in each phase of the wheel we know and work with her secret names or archetypes, the master plants of the stregería tradition, the guardian animals and we elaborate magical tools that allow us to maintain the contact of mind, body and spirit.

Strophalos I

We walk the wheel of the year by the hand of Goddess Hékate and in each phase of the wheel we know and work with her secret names or archetypes, the master plants of the stregería tradition, the guardian animals and we elaborate magical tools that allow us to maintain the contact of mind, body and spirit.


Strophalos II

We enter fully into working the wheel of the year with the pantheon of the ancient Stregería, in which the three main Goddesses: Proserpina, Diana and Hékate are present in each phase of the wheel, we learn to create rituals and magic.

To take this level it is necessary to have passed level I.

Runic Formation 1

Through the experience of several years that I have had working and learning from this oracle, I have discovered that each rune is a complete world in which we can go deep and learn a lot; This formation is designed to meet each family of the Futhark with the load of different Goddesses, elements, kingdoms, activations, sacred songs, alphabet, spells and different forms of interpretation.

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Training in Natural Magic

We walk the wheel of the year by the hand of Goddess Hékate and in each phase of the wheel we know and work with her secret names or archetypes, the master plants of the stregería tradition, the guardian animals and we elaborate magical tools that allow us to maintain the contact of mind, body and spirit.

Runic Formation 2

Las runas nórdicas emanan vibraciones de creación y con ellas podemos profundizar en nuestros cuerpos sutiles, la energía de las runas es gran sanadora.


En esta formación descubrirás cómo actúa la energía en nuestros cuerpos sutiles para recuperar el equilibrio en el cuerpo físico, conocerás la sanación con runas, las limpias con runas y el Aettir de Hella que nos ayuda a profundizar con la magia del hielo en un nivel profundo.


Runic Formation 1

Through the experience of several years that I have had working and learning from this oracle, I have discovered that each rune is a complete world in which we can go deep and learn a lot; This formation is designed to meet each family of the Futhark with the load of different Goddesses, elements, kingdoms, activations, sacred songs, alphabet, spells and different forms of interpretation.


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